Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries

Tools for Reconciliation and Understanding

Empowering Citizens in Conflict Resolution in Columbia
Research & Design Daniela Maria Yepes
Supervisor Clyde Doyle & Shirley Casey
Project Goal To empower citizens in conflict resolution in Columbia
Audience & Stakeholders Columbian citizens, specifically school teachers
Colombia’s government has established several programs to facilitate social reinsertion and reconciliation.

Project Description

Since the signature of the peace agreement with the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), Colombia’s government established several programs to facilitate social reinsertion and reconciliation. One such was Peace Talk course, which incentivizes students all over the country to learn about peaceful conflict resolution. This research project developed tools for reconciliation and understanding that could be incorporated into the Peace Talk course, and which were presented to the Ministry of Education of Colombia.

Using design thinking methodologies, a workshop was developed which encouraged students and teachers to question how they can contribute to the reconciliation process, and get the information to shape autonomous opinions about Colombia’s socio-political climate. A series of interviews were conducted with different stakeholders, including an ex-FARC combatant.


The project conducted primary research with Columbian citizens on both sides of a conflict zone, producing bilingual workshop materials.
Tools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria YepesTools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria Yepes
Tools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria YepesTools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria Yepes
Tools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria YepesTools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria Yepes
Tools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria YepesTools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria Yepes
Tools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria YepesTools for reconciliation and understanding Daniela Maria Yepes